
hissandtell - 2006-05-19 03:39:26
When I was a preschool teacher (in a previous incarnation, obviously) the best conversation ever with a small child went like this: Me (to 4-year-old pulling on my dress hem): How can I help you, Jo? Jo: Mumblemumblemumble Me: I beg your pardon? Jo: Bed o pardon? Me: Sorry, I didn't hear you. What did you just say? Jo (looking confused): Bed o pardon. Me: No, *before* you said, "Bed o pardon". Jo (more confidently): Bed o pardon! Me: No, what did you say before that? Jo (uncertain): Bed o pardon... Me: No! Listen carefully. *I* was the one who said "I beg your pardon" - but before that, you came up to me and asked me a question that I couldn't hear, didn't you? Remember? What was it you said? Jo (nodding in complete agreement): Bed o pardon! Me: Go away. Love, R xxx
jenny - 2006-05-19 08:16:04
My friend Amy has a 4 year old daughter who will march right up to anyone (old ladies, frat guys...) in the supermarket or wherever and say, "My name is Evelyn and I'm four years old and I love my vagina." Except that she pronounces it "va-join-a."
jane - 2006-05-19 12:13:19
Hey, every girl should, right? I also like your merkin trivia re: before. I'm going to try to work that into conversation today at work. Miss Hiss, your Jo story made me smile really really big!

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