
sparkspark - 2006-06-29 16:25:55
You cannot see it (probably) but I am RED WITH SHAME over not knowing that Burton Cummings was in the Guess Who. I apparently can never live in Canada, now that I have revealed this secret. I did kind of wonder who he was, and why his voice sounded so trained and professional, as if from years and years of touring and singing loud rock songs on the road with a large and popular band. But I just never did the research. I owe you so much! XOXO Violet (who never was frenched by Burton Cummings) (...yet!)
willowfox - 2006-06-29 18:46:13
Dude, talk about coincidences, Violet up there just sent me a mix cd with a Burton Cummings song on it... Stand Tall (!) and I specifically noticed it and looked and was like, "Who is this? Burton Cummings? Who is Burton Cummings? Psh, well of COURSE a song like this would be sung by a guy named BURTON." Now, please understand, I great appreciated the song, I'm just sayin'. So anyway, then I go here to write to you of the amazing coincidence that IS Burton Cummings Day, and there SHE is all jive talkin' about him up there. Yay for you updating, by the way. DO IT MORE. I command thee. In the name of ROCK. (sorry, man, the black background on this comments page took me over and made me all Jack Black.)
Jane - 2006-06-30 00:12:01
Violet, I commend you for fessing up. And no apologies necessary, anyway, because without Randy on guitar, Burton and his old piano have a completely different sound. He tends to bray less solo. Also, Canadian DJs really have to enunciate Burton's association with the Guess Who to fulfil Canadian content requirements. And Jenny, I Heart Huckabees was the most revelatory movie I have ever seen; coincidence abounds! And so does Burton. Thanks for popping in!
Jane - 2006-06-30 00:14:07
Also just now the Guess Who came on the radio to sing another prairie tune, "Running Back to Saskatoon".

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