
hissandtell - 2006-08-21 00:59:24
My sister and I used to discuss this hypothetical dilemma for what seems to my aging goddess memory now to have been for years on end. We inevitably decide/d that what we'd probably vote for is neither, thank you, but that if we have to lose something it would be the ability to taste. Ergo, we would lose interest in eating and be thin for life. Love, R xxx
treehugger - 2006-08-21 15:06:34
The loss of the sense of taste was always my #1 choice, too (thinness being the incentive there). I had the opportunity to work with a teacher whose voice sounded like Junior Mints taste.
sparkspark - 2006-08-23 16:41:54
Ms. Jane, I love this concept. There's a violin (or viola or something string-ed) solo in a Crash Test Dummies song called "Winter Song" and I always envision it as a stream of honey drizzling off a spoon in an erratic, melting spiral. AND, in other news, you didn't get here late and miss my ass-kicking performance. It's not actually until September 1st. XOXOXO Violet
Zuzu - 2006-09-07 23:39:01
Ah.. okay.. this post gets you added to my favorites! Not only to I love Elvis, love, love, love, but Ms Warne's singing tributes to Leonard Cohen (black licorice and whiskey?) melts me more than caramel. - Zu
rcm - 2006-09-13 13:19:46
Do you have the synesthesia?

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